
3 Best Social Media Platforms for Businesses in 2023-24

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Updated February 13th, 2024

The Best Social Media Platforms for Business

What is the best social media platform for your business? Are you looking to start marketing your brand or business on social media and are stumped on which social media platform to choose?

This question is a very difficult one to answer, and in all honesty, it really just depends on what you are trying to do.

For example, if you want to grow your brand awareness and want people to know who you are without having any idea of what you offer, then Instagram would be your go-to because there is no way that anyone can’t find out about or at least see an account.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for specific information from potential customers like pricing or availability dates, then Facebook might be better because they have a lot more detailed info available than Instagram does.

Do you want to use social media for your business? The answer is likely yes. Social media has made it possible for brands and businesses to have a voice and gain exposure like never before, but which platform should you choose?

If you are struggling to choose the right social media platform for your business, here is everything you need to know.


If you are looking to market to people who fall part of the millennial generation or are a bit older than users who make use of other social media platforms, then Twitter is exactly the right place for you.

Twitter is one of the oldest and longest-standing popular social media platforms around having been launched all the way back in 2006 and still going strong today with over 300 million active monthly users.

Back in the day, Twitter was a place where users could share their thoughts in a microblogging style with limited characters, but these days it is so much more, allowing you to include links to various different websites, attach visuals such as videos, images, and gifs to your content, and even interact with other users by means of direct messaging, commenting and sharing among other things.

Twitter is a brilliant platform for businesses to make use of if they are still looking to come across as professional but be able to interact with the public in a more social setting. Twitter marketing is great when trying to reach a large audience as well.


If you don’t really have a specific age range that you want to target to then Instagram might be the right place for you. These days everyone and their mother happens to have an Instagram account making it one of the most versatile platforms around.

Instagram also happens to be one of the most popular social media platforms around, not only for individuals but also for businesses too. This is because of the very nature of the app.

Instagram is a platform that allows you to post both videos and photos in a variety of formats in order to reach your audience of choice.

Not only is it great for sharing visuals like this, but Instagram is seemingly higher-end and people tend to only post the very best parts of their lives or businesses making it one of the most luxurious, and glamorous apps to post on. It is a great way to sell a lifestyle and not just a product.


Last but not least we have TikTok. TikTok is one of the newest social media platforms to surface on the app store and has quickly become, by far the most popular social media platform today.

Having only launched in 2016, TikTok has grown insanely quickly reaching roughly 1 billion active users monthly in such a short period of time.

If you are looking to market your brand on TikTok you will mainly be reaching a demographic of teens and tweens and these are the people who mainly make use of the app.

The great thing about TikTok is that it is all about authentic and in-the-moment content which makes it brilliant for small businesses, and there are many ways to get followers, such as TokUpgrade, a growth service that engages for you. This is because you don’t need to have any fancy equipment or anyone producing top-quality content but rather just shows what happens in your workspace and how you get things done, for even more TikTok followers.


Viren is having 6+ years of experience in Digital Marketing across different industries & verticles. He is in expert Paid Advertising & SEO.

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