How to Setup Conversion Tracking in WooCommerce

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How to Setup Conversion Tracking in WooCommerce

Conversion tracking is vital to your success. In this video, I’ll teach you how to set up conversion tracking in WooCommerce and what you need to know about it before starting a new project.

Set Up Google Ads Conversion Tracking for WooCommerce

Google Ads Conversion Tracking is a feature that allows you to track the number of clicks and/or impressions your ads receive and see how they’re affecting your website’s overall traffic. This can be incredibly valuable information when you’re trying to determine where and how you might want to adjust your advertising strategy.

Set Up Google Ads Conversion Tracking

Google Ads is a paid search engine marketing platform that allows businesses to run targeted ads and collect data on how those ads are performing. With conversion tracking, you can know exactly how many people who saw your ad clicked through to your website to make a purchase.

To set up conversion tracking in WooCommerce, follow the steps shown in Video.

For Training/Consultation – www.adonwebs.com


Viren is having 6+ years of experience in Digital Marketing across different industries & verticles. He is in expert Paid Advertising & SEO.

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